Wally + Sam


How did Wally come into your world?

Walter was a rescue from a small town in NSW. I know very little of the life that Wally had before he came into my life, but we certainly have shared many adventures together in the time we've had and ensured he squeezed in all the fun life had to offer. Wally has joined me on numerous hikes, camping trips, and even travelled to some of the most remote parts of Australia. He's a special boy that has won many hearts in those he has met, and will always play the biggest part within mine.

How would you describe his personality?

Wally is as loyal and sweet as you can get! He bounces up and down in glee whenever I come home and loves to be my shadow, following me from room to room. He's very much a people-person and on walks around the neighbourhood, would often stop to greet the owners and completely ignore other dogs.

If he could tell us all something about you, what would he say?

Wally would say that he is glad I came into his life because he similarly considers me his best friend...but wishes I would stop eating all the yummy food and share more!

What does he love to do the most?

Wally loves rolling around on the grass, snacks, sleeping, and being by my side. 

What's everyday life like with your boy by your side?

Each morning I get woken up to Wally's waggly tail as he cheerfully gives me his morning greeting. Each day is special simply having him by my side, receiving lots of cuddles, and ending the day together. 

How has having Wally changed your life?

Dogs provide comfort, reassurance and a whole load of unconditional love. They soften your heart and show you the right way to live and love. And the bond experienced is something words cannot explain - they are undeniably perfect and the best gift in life that anyone could receive.