Bro + Solly


How did Bro come into your world?

Bro was originally part of my Dad’s life in WA, unfortunately his working and living circumstances changed . At the age of 1 It was in the best interest of Bro to be re-homed . Being the animal lover that I am and having an obsession with border collies from a young age, couldn’t resist opening my door and having Bro come live with me. I’m very active and outdoorsy so immediately thought it would be a perfect fit for him, and he would get the life he deserved.

How would you describe his personality?

For the last 13 years Bro has been my best friend. He is very loyal, loving and affectionate. He’s always by my side and has such a gentle nature about him, with an amazing sense of intuition. 

If he could tell us all something about you, what would he say?

Bro would absolutely say I’m his soulmate. He loves his mum.

What does he love to do the most?

In his younger days, Bro was always ball obsessed. Very hyper focused which worked great for off lead. He loves to hike and is one of the biggest beach babies I’ve ever met. 

What's everyday life like with your boy by your side?

I struggle to imagine my life without Bro. He’s always been by my side. We’ve been running my business for seven years and he was with me daily. Everybody knew who he was, and he always welcomed a cuddle and a scratch. These days I get a mixture of working from home, so we’re still get to spend time together, although it looks a little different - naps under my desk and shorter walks in the evenings. This kid still loves the beach!

How has having Bro changed your life?

Growing up with a disability wasn’t easy. Animals don’t judge, and the bond that you form with them is something you can’t describe unless you’ve experienced it yourself.

Having a dog in my life has really helped soften the blow mentally.