Bindi, Tella, Minka + Wade


I can’t believe that it has almost already been a year since I photographed this beautiful family. This blog post will have to be labelled a #throwback, because I met with Bindi, Tella, Minka + Wade an unreal 11 months ago in October of 2018.

While I’d driven past plenty of times, I’d never actually visited Maslin Beach before (am I even a real South Australian?) but made the trip down for Bindi and Tella’s session per Minka + Wade’s request. It’s a special place to both Minka and Wade, where they love to take their girls for beachy treks, which is the self-described highlight of their day.
Immediately I was blown away; the cliffs were incredible and offered us magnificent vistas, I couldn’t believe I’d been missing out on this gorgeous corner of the world until then. You’ll have to keep on scrolling because their story is even more beautiful than the space we shared it in.


How did Bindi + Tella come into your world?

Wade and I did long distance for 2 years, and it was very lonely living in the country. He bought Tella for me for my birthday (best present ever). She was the biggest of her litter and was extremely fat and squishy. During the five hour drive to Whyalla, she would sit either on my lap or on the passenger seat.

A few months later, we decided that Tella needed a sibling, Wade decided that he would like an Australian Shepherd and we joined a long waiting list for an Australian Shepherd pup. The process was quite long-winded but totally worth it, we had to meet the breeder, meet the mum, and meet the puppies before we were accepted to be her parents. Her original name was Dot, as she had a prominent dot on her head, hence why her name is now Bindi. She then became Wade's birthday gift, and was a cheeky little ball of fluff.


How would you describe their personalities?

Their personalities are contrasting and complementary. Bindi is the boss of dinner time and Tella is the boss of their bed. When Tella is excited she picks up anything (socks, shoes, a leaf) and wags her whole body. When Bindi is excited she smiles and shows her teeth. Tella LOVES the beach and would swim out to the sunset if there was a tennis ball on the horizon. Bindi loves any kind of exercise and licking anyone anywhere (especially on the face).

What is their relationship like? Are they besties?

They are definitely besties. They are fiercely competitive when playing fetch and hate being separated. They are each others partner in crime, often Tella (in a state of excitement) will take a shoe or sock outside, and then during the course of the day Bindi will play with/destroy said object.


If they could tell us something about you, what would they say?

Dear Mum,

Thanks for letting us on the couch every night when Dad goes to bed.

Dear Dad,

Thanks for being the best ball thrower ever!

What’s everyday life like with Bindi + Tella by your side?

Every morning Bindi wakes up early and is ready to get outside and play, whilst Tella sneaks into our bed and under the covers (if I let her, she will stay there until 9 am).

How has having your girls changed your life?

They make us smile and laugh every day. Taking them down the beach is often the highlight of our day. Watching Tella swim like a sea lion, and Bindi racing around brings us both so much happiness. Their quirky natures often bring us back to reality when we are grumpy/stressed, we know we can always rely on Tella for a snuggle and Bindi will cheer us up with a million tiny licks to the ear.


Thank you Bindi, Tella, Minka + Wade, for sharing your sweet story and your special place. You’ve made this space feel special for me too, and I will definitely be back.

x Dani.

Danielle Chidlow